From the recording The Bible And The Bigot


As the U.S. elections approached last year, I wrote a blog attacking the lunacy of a proposition on the California ballot to ban gay marriages. My diatribe included the phrase "the Bible and the Bigot." In the midst of the email hurricane that ensued, my friend Alan had the good sense to point out that "the Bible and the Bigot" would make an excellent song title. He was right and I hope this song does his good sense justice. There is alternative version of this song that features Michael playing a melodic guitar line in the section immediately preceding the guitar solo proper. I replayed Michael's guitar line with a synthesizer and thereupon followed a clash of egos as we each preferred our own version. As proof of Michael's good character, he deferred to my wishes as the artist whose name appears on the CD cover (though he won't hesitate to point out that his version is much better).